Adolescent health: investing in the future

Posted in Saison 2014-2015

Odilon Redon (1840-1916)
La Coupe du Devenir (L’Enfant à la coupe) c. 1894 (détail)
huile sur toile sur carton
49 × 34.3 cm
avec l'aimable autorisation de Michael Altman Fine Art and Advisory Services, LLC.


La santé de l’adolescent a été choisi comme thème de cette réunion commune à l’Académie de médecine, la Fondation de l’Académie, la Fondation Singer Polignac et la FEAM parce qu’il s’agit d’un problème d’actualité groupant de multiples aspects depuis les troubles psychologiques et les addictions jusqu’à l’hygiène de vie et la prévention des maladies infectieuses et touchant tous les pays européens. Il nous a donc paru nécessaire de comparer les attitudes à cet égard de nos différents pays et de faire part aux autorités de l’Union européenne de nos recommandations. En effet, avec la facilité des voyages et l’expansion des moyens de communication numériques, les problèmes sont identiques et les mesures à envisager doivent être désormais communautaires.


Adolescent health has been chosen as the theme of this symposium organized jointly by the French Academy of Medicine, the French Academy Foundation, the Singer Polignac Foundation and the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM), given that this theme covers topical issues which gather together multiple aspects ranging from psychological troubles and addictions to life hygiene and infectious disease prevention throughout European countries.

In this perspective, it is useful to compare the attitudes of our different countries and share our recommendations with the European Union authorities. Indeed, with the ease of international travel and the expansion of digital communication networks, the problems encountered are the same and the actions to be considered must now be approached as communitarians.



Welcome and introduction by

  • Yves Pouliquen, President of the Singer-Polignac Foundation, Member of the “Académie Française” and of the French Academy of Medicine;
  • Dermot Kelleher, President of FEAM, Member of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences and the Irish Academy of Medical Sciences, Vice-President (Health) and Dean of Medicine at Imperial College London;
  • Jean-Yves Le Gall, President of the French Academy of Medicine;
  • Jean-Marie Dru, President of the Foundation of the French Academy of Medicine (FAM);
  • Benoît Vallet, General Director for Health, Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women’s rights, France.


Overview session


Scientific session on adolescent mental health



  • Cyril Höschl, Director, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University; Board Member of the Czech Medical Academy, Czech Republic
  • Jean-Pierre Olié, Past-Head of the Unit of Psychiatry, Saint-Anne Hospital, Paris, Professor of Psychiatry, Paris Descartes University, Member of the French Academy of Medicine



Panel discussion on adolescent mental health


  • Dame Sally Davies, FRS FMedSci, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Adviser, Department of Health, United Kingdom
  • Martin McKee, European Centre on Health of Societies in Transition, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, President of EUPHA, UK Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Pedro Montellano, President, Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Network (Gamian Europe), Member of the European Patients Forum


Session on obesity



  • Jesus A. F. Tresguerres, Past President of FEAM, Fellow of Spanish Royal National Academy of Medicine, Professor of Physiology and Endocrinology, Complutense University in Madrid
  • Claude Jaffiol, Member of the French Academy of Medicine; Endocrinologist at Centre Médical Mutualiste, Professor of Medicine at Montpellier University



Panel discussion on obesity


  • Claude Dreux, Member of the French Academy of Medicine, Chair of a ANM Working Group on Public Health, Honorary Vice-President and Emeritus Professor, René Descartes University
  • Detlev Ganten, Co-Chair of the InterAcademy Medical Panel, Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and Chair of its Working Group on Public Health, President of the World Health Summit, Berlin


Concluding remarks


  • Dermot Kelleher, President of FEAM, Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences and the Irish Academy of Medical Sciences, Vice-President (Health) and Dean of Medicine at Imperial College London
  • Bernard Charpentier, Honorary Dean, Faculty of Medicine Paris-South 11, Past-President of the French Medical School Deans’ Council, Vice-President of FEAM, Vice-President of the Foundation of the French Academy of Medicine (FAM), Member of the French Academy of Medicine

End of the symposium


Ouverture du colloque par Yves Pouliquen, Dermot Kelleher, Jean-Yves Le Gall, Jean-Marie Dru & Benoît Vallet


Adolescence as a critical period for laying the foundations of good health and for preventing chronic diseases in adulthood: outcome of the WHO on ‘Health for the World’s Adolescents’ par David Ross

At 1.2 billion, one-in-five people is an adolescent aged 10-19 years. The great majority live in low and middle-income countries. Investment in adolescent health is essential both for their own immediate health and survival (eg. from road injuries, HIV, suicide, pneumonia, or interpersonal violence) but also for their subsequent health and survival as adults (such as from causes related to tobacco use, obesity and lack of exercise, and unsafe sex.

In all high-income countries (HICs), most middle-income countries (MICs), and some low-income countries (LICs), mortality rates in older adolescents (15-19 years) are now higher than in young children 1-4 year-olds. This reflects recent rapid declines in child mortality, while declines in adolescent mortality have been much slower. This and recent falls in the birth rate in many LICs and MICs explain the increasing proportion of the population who are adolescents and young adults in these countries. Healthy young adults drive economic development through their dynamism, energy and numbers within the workforce. This “demographic dividend" presents a great opportunity for governments, but only if adolescents survive and enter adulthood healthy.

The World Health Organization’s 2014 Health for the World’s Adolescents Report presents a global overview of adolescents’ health and health-related behaviours, recent trends and determinants. It documents the massive differences and inequities in mortality, disability and risky behaviours between world regions. Globally, the top five causes of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost within the second decade of life are unipolar depressive disorders, road injuries, iron-deficiency anaemia, HIV, and self-harm. Obesity, diabetes, and lack of physical activity are already very major risk factors among adolescents living in HICs and MICs, and loom large in the futures of LICs, where the upward trends are already apparent.

Yet investment in adolescent health interventions has been small to date. This is partly because of the widespread misconception that adolescents are still the healthiest age group, but also because they have had few champions. Also, many people are under the misapprehension that there are no effective interventions for this age group, despite strong evidence for many of the key interventions in adolescence. Luckily, a tipping point is being reached, as many governments and agencies realise the importance of adolescent health, both in the short term, but also for the future economic development and health of populations.

This meeting on adolescent health, with its superb programme, correctly focuses on several of the key health problems of adolescents in Europe: mental health disorders, alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse, nutrition and the lack of physical activity, and their consequences. Along with the recent Health for the World’s Adolescents Report and other recent initiatives, the meeting will be an important example of the role that both clinical and population-based research can play in guiding the new, substantially increased investments in adolescent health programming that will take place over the next decade.

Major progress in global adolescent health will require multi-sectoral approaches, that include the delivery at scale of evidence-based interventions in multiple sectors. The Health for the World’s Adolescents Report provides a useful summary of the many evidence-based interventions in the health services for which there are specific WHO guidelines, in the areas of HIV, violence and injury prevention, sexual and reproductive health and maternal care, mental health, substance use and tobacco control, nutrition (including limiting access to sugars and fats), physical activity, integrated management of common conditions, and immunization.


The national perspective par Dame Sally Davies


Adolescent crisis par Marcel Rufo

As a period of notable changes, adolescence requires treatment that is primarily adapted to suit the specific needs of this age group, as opposed to treatment for illnesses themselves. The creation of services dedicated to adolescents has highlighted the importance of the continuation in care, in partnership with the families, until the move to adult health services. The heterogeneity of diseases grouped together in the same place calls for close collaboration on the part of adolescent psychiatric units with other disciplines, such as paediatric endocrinology, adult psychiatrics, resuscitation etc. Finally, in order to obtain the support of adolescents in care and to change the hospital’s image, access to cultural practices has become essential. It is therefore now necessary to recognize adolescent medicine as a new independent discipline.


Eating disorders in adolescence and adulthood par Stephan Zipfel

In my presentation I will mainly focus due to time restrictions on Anorexia nervosa (AN). This eating disorder is characterized by constant preoccupation with weight and shape, and intensive fear of weight gain that lead to severe dietary restriction and weight loss as well as a disturbed body image. As a consequence AN is associated with serious medical morbidity and marked psychiatric and psychosocial comorbidity. AN has the highest mortality rate of all mental disorders, sufferers experience frequent relapse and very often a chronic illness course, especially if left untreated. Partial syndromes are also associated with adverse health outcomes, the quality of life is poor and the cost and burden placed on individuals, families and society is high. Additional common symptoms include excessive physical activity marked perfectionism, disturbed interoceptive awareness and a number of neuropsychological impairments. In the second part of my presentation I will concentrate on evidence based treatment approaches for adolescent and adult patients with anorexia nervosa.


Suicide and suicide prevention par Danuta Wasserman


Alcohol and drug abuse in youngsters par Bruno Falissard

Alcohol and tobacco are the two main modifiable risk factors that could decrease dramatically prematured mortality in most countries, in particular in Europe. The initiation of alcohol and tobacco happens basically during adolescence, the question of drug abuse in youngsters should be thus the main public health priority in our countries. And if this is not really the case, it is because the problem is really difficult to tackle in practice.

We will see why this problem is so difficult. Why there are psychological and sociological breaks to its treatment. We will conclude with practical considerations that could help to improve this problematic situation.


Tobacco smoking in adolescence as a risk factor in developing cardiovascular diseases later in life and review of the current evidence on electronic cigarettes par Amanda Amos


My parent has bipolar disorder; am I at risk? Brain imaging and clinical studies of bipolar offspring par Tomas Hajek


Genes, family, time and place: risk factors influencing brain development and mental health in ASD par Louise Gallagher

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are one of the commonest disabilities of childhood and adolescence impacting on 1% of the population. ASDs represent a major public health challenge as they are life-long impairing conditions associated with significant health, personal, social and economic costs. Until relatively recently the causes of ASD remained unclear. Recent breakthroughs across the fields of genetics and neuroscience have led to greater understanding of the genetic and neurobiological factors contributing towards aetiology. This offers the promise of new biomarkers and therapeutics to improve outcomes. However there remain challenges to understand processes such as gene-environment interactions and large scale research efforts will be required for the next paradigm shift in our understanding of ASD. In the meantime clinicians and researchers should continue to advocate for better policies services and treatments to minimise the current and actual challenges associated with ASD.


The challenge of engagement : technology in adolescent mental health par Gavin Doherty


The Patients perspective par Pedro Montellano


Panel Discussion on adolescent mental health



Overview of the situation par Philippe Roux


Obesity and the economics of prevention par Franco Sassi


The genetic basis to type 2 diabetes and obesity par Philippe Froguel


Adolescent obesity : comorbidities and new directions in research par Jesús Argente


Obesity as a serious global health problem par Harry Rutter





Panel discussion on obesity




Concluding remarks



Dermot KelleherDermot Kelleher

Dermot Kelleher is President of the European Academies of Medicine (FEAM) and Fellow of the Irish and UK Academies of Medical Sciences. He is Vice-President (Health) and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College London. From 2004 until 2012 he was Head of the School of Medicine and Vice-Provost for Medical Affairs at Trinity College, Dublin. Professor Kelleher’s research has focused on the cell biology of immune responses both in terms of basic lymphocyte function and in relationship to mucosal immunology. His research has been focused on the immune response to many of the leading causes of infectious disease worldwide. He is the author of approximately 200 publications and 14 patents.

Professor Kelleher, in collaboration with Professor Hugh Brady at University College Dublin, obtained collaborative grant funding to establish the Dublin Molecular Medicine Centre, a joint venture between the three major medical schools in Dublin which provides a physical infrastructure for significant developments in medical biotechnology in Ireland. This has now become Molecular Medicine Ireland. He also held the inaugural directorship of the Institute of Molecular Medicine, a Trinity College Dublin facility at St James’s Hospital.

Professor Kelleher is a founding member of Opsona Therapeutics, a spinout company at Trinity College Dublin based on development of therapeutic technologies founded on innate immunity and T-regulatory cells. Professor Kelleher has served as a member of the Board of the Health Research Board Ireland, the European Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust Clinical Interest Group. He also serves on several National Bodies in the Health sector and on the board of ICON plc.


Jean-Yves Le GallJean-Yves Le Gall

Docteur en médecine en 1963, ancien externe des hôpitaux de Rennes, licencié en Sciences en 1964, agrégé de biochimie médicale en 1970, nommé Maître de conférences au titre de la coopération en république du Burundi de 1971 à 1976, doyen de la faculté de médecine de Bujumbura de 1974 à 1976. Réintégré au CHU de Rennes en octobre 1976 et nommé titulaire de la chaire de Biochimie médicale en 1978, chef de service hospitalier (biochimie et biologie moléculaire) de 1978 à 2006.

Activité de recherche exercée en partie à la direction d’une équipe CNRS et consacrée pour l’essentiel au métabolisme du fer et à sa pathologie héréditaire (Hémochromatoses). Diverses autres responsabilités scientifiques : directeur du DEA de biologie de l’Université de Rennes I (1995-2001), président du conseil scientifique de la société française de biologie clinique (1995-2001), membre du conseil national des universités (1997-2003).

Élu membre correspondant de l’Académie de Médecine en 2001, membre titulaire en 2006 ; y a exercé différentes fonctions, en particulier secrétariat puis présidence de la commission de biologie depuis 2011, président de l’Académie nationale de médecine en 2015.


silhouette homme 150Jean-Marie Dru

A graduate of HEC Business School, Jean-Marie Dru began his career in 1971 with Dupuy Compton (now Saatchi & Saatchi) and quickly rose to the position of Executive Creative Director.

In 1977, he joined Young & Rubicam in Paris as Managing Director, before becoming the agency’s Chief Executive Officer in 1979.

In 1984, he co-founded the BDDP Group. Within seven years, BDDP established its international presence in 26 countries and was ranked 15th amongst global agencies. After the merger of BDDP with TBWA\ in 1998, Jean-Marie Dru became President International of TBWA\Worldwide. In early 2001, he was appointed President and CEO Worldwide, a position that he held until January 2008, when he moved to his current role of Chairman.

Jean-Marie Dru has published five books on advertising and marketing; Jet Lag (PowerHouse Books, 2012), How Disruption Brought Order (Palgrave, 2007), Beyond Disruption (John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2002), Disruption (John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1996) and Le Saut Créatif (Lattès, 1984).

Jean-Marie Dru has been President of the Cannes Advertising Film Festival Jury twice - first in 1982 and again in 1998. He is a professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, officially referred to as Sciences Po Paris. He is also the President of the French Academy of Medicine Foundation.

In 2008, Jean-Marie Dru was awarded the French Légion d’Honneur for his long-lasting contribution to the advertising industry and to the business world.

Jean-Marie Dru is the President of the French Academy of Medicine Foundation since December 2013.


Benoît ValletBenoît Vallet

Agé de 55 ans, Benoît Vallet, après des études de médecine à Paris-Ouest de 1978 à 1985, a été diplômé de la faculté de médecine de Lille en 1990. Il a ensuite été chef de clinique en anesthésiste-réanimation, puis praticien hospitalo-universitaire au CHRU de Lille. Après avoir soutenu une thèse d’université en 1994 et une habilitation à diriger des recherches en 1996, il est devenu professeur des universités – praticien hospitalier en 1998. Il a pris en 2005 la responsabilité de la fédération d’anesthésie-réanimation du CHRU de Lille, puis celle du pôle en 2010. Membre de la CME depuis 2001, il en a été élu président en 2011 et siège au directoire du CHRU. Il est également, depuis 2010, membre de la commission régionale de la santé et de l’autonomie du Nord-Pas-de-Calais.

Il est membre de l’European Board of Anaesthesiology, président de l’European Multidiscipinary Joint Committee of Intensive Care Medicine et, depuis l’an dernier, secrétaire de l’European Board of Intensive Care Medicine.

Le professeur Benoît Vallet a été nommé directeur général de la santé en conseil des ministres, mercredi 23 octobre 2013, sur proposition de Marisol Touraine, ministre des affaires sociales et de la santé.


David RossDavid Ross


I spent my childhood in Nigeria and then the UK, and qualified as a medical doctor at Oxford University in 1980. Since then I have worked in epidemiology and international public health research and teaching, exclusively working on low and middle-income country issues. I have lived for at least a year in Nigeria (1955-1963), Sierra Leone (1981-82), Ethiopia/Sudan (1984-85), Ghana (1988-92), Tanzania (1997-2002), the UK (1963-81, 1982-84, 1985-88, 1992-97, 2002-2012) and Germany (2012-2015), as well as making short work visits to other countries, especially in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

I was on the academic staff of LSHTM from 1983 to 2015, latterly as a Professor of Epidemiology & International Public Health and leader of the Health of Adolescents and Young People theme within the Maternal, Adolescent, Reproductive and Child Health (MARCH) Centre.

I joined WHO in April 2015 where my work will continue to focus on adolescent health research.

Teaching: Since 2010, I have led an annual two-week joint LSHTM/WHO short course on Adolescent Health in Low and Middle-Income Countries with colleagues in LSHTM, WHO, and also in collaboration with colleagues in Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria, Public Health Foundation of India, UNICEF and UNFPA.


My main recent research areas are: adolescent health, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and intervention studies. In WHO, my research will primarily focus on adolescent health


Dame Sally DaviesDame Sally Davies

Professor Dame Sally Davies is the Chief Medical Officer for England and also advises the UK Government. She holds responsibility for Research and Development, and is the Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department of Health.

The CMO is the independent advisor to the UK Government on all medical matters, with particular responsibilities regarding Public Health. In particular, she provides professional leadership for Directors of Public Health in England. Dame Sally is a member of the WHO Executive Board and the International Advisory Committee for A*STAR, Singapore. She has advised many others on research strategy and evaluation including the Australian NHMRC, Canadian CIHR and governments in Norway, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong and the Caribbean.

Dame Sally has been actively involved in NHS R&D from its establishment. As Director-General she established the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) with a budget of £1 billion.

Dame Sally was awarded a DBE (Dame Commander of the British Empire) in the New Year Honours 2009 for services to medicine and in September 2011 she was conferred as Emeritus Professor at Imperial College London. Dame Sally was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society on 1 May 2014.


Cyril HoschlCyril Höschl

Cyril Höschl, MD, DrSc., FRCPsych., received his MD grade at the Charles University in Prague in 1974. After completion his residency he became a research fellow and psychiatrist at Psychiatric Research Institute (PRI) and assistant professor at Charles University in Prague. His research interests included psycho¬neuroendocrinology, psychopharma¬cology and biological psychiatry. In 1984, prof. Höschl presented his original work on neuroendocrine tests in psy¬chiat¬ry at several Canadian universities. In 1985, he was invited to lecture at New York Uni¬versity on his pioneering studies on calcium channel blockers in the treatment of affective disorders. After the breakdown of communism, he was elected a Dean of Third Medical Faculty of the Charles University in Prague (1990-1997) and appointed profes¬sor of psychiatry and chairman, Prague Psychiatric Centre (former PRI) . At present he is the Director of National Institute of Mental Health. Since 2004 until 2011, he was also professor of psychiatry at the University of P.J.Safarik in Kosice, Slovak Republic, and Vice-president, Vienna School of Clinical Research, Vienna, Austria. In Prague he coordinates research on neurobiology of schizophrenia and affective dis¬or¬ders.

In 2007-2008 he was the President of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA). 2004-2010, he was the President of the Czech Medical Academy and 2008-2009 the President of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM, Brussels).

Among other things, Professor Höschl is also an author of a fundamental trans¬for-mation of the medical curriculum at the 3rd Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague. Prof. Höschl is honorary editor, Neuroendocrinology Letters; editor-in-chief, Psychiatrie (CZ); member, editorial board of Int.J. of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, etc.

He published more than 200 scientific publications, incl. 3 monographs, and co-edited 5 more monographs and textbooks.


Jean-Pierre OliéJean-Pierre Olié

  • Member Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris
  • Professor of Psychiatry Medical School, Paris Descartes University
  • Psychiatrist at Sainte-Anne Hospital (Paris) –
  • National Expert in Forensic for the court
  • Member of Research Team on Pathophysiology of Mental Disorders at INSERM
  • President of Fondation Pierre Deniker

Scientific Societies

  • Past-President of the Association Française de Psychiatrie Biologique (1989-1995)
  • Founding member of the Federation Française de Psychiatrie
  • Chairman French annual meeting in psychiatry, Congrès de l’Encéphale, each year in January (4 000 participants)

Special area of interest and expertise

  • Depressive disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Psychotropic medications


Marcel RufoMarcel Rufo

Pédopsychiatre, Professeur Emérite, Faculté de Médecine de Marseille

Directeur Médical de l’espace méditerranéen de l’adolescence, Marseille

Après des études de lettres, philosophie et latin, il s’est inscrit à la Faculté de médecine de Marseille et réussit l’internat des hôpitaux de Marseille en 1969, devient assistant-chef de clinique en 1975 puis Professeur Agrégé de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent en 1982. Il succède à la chefferie de service du Pr Soulayrol en 1995 et créée en 1999, l’espace Arthur, unité d’adolescents (en hommage à Arthur Tatossian, Professeur de psychiatrie à Marseille et Rimbaud) dont l’inauguration a été effectuée en présence de Mme Bernardette Chirac et Jean-Luc Lagardère. Son activité a été essentiellement clinique, consistant en des consultations avec les enfants et leurs parents, tous âges confondus. De 2004 à 2007, il prend la direction médicale de la Maison de Solenn-Maison des adolescents à Cochin, sur l’impulsion de Bernadette Chirac. A partir du 1er septembre 2007, il revient à Marseille, reprend la chefferie de l’Espace Arthur et réalise le projet d’implantation d’un Espace Méditerranéen de l’adolescence dont il est directeur médical depuis 2010. Cet espace fonctionne depuis juin 2012. Il cessera ses fonctions hospitalières fin 2013.

Professeur des Universités, il enseigne et donne des conférences nationales et internationales, enseignement qu’il poursuivra au titre de Professeur Emérite.

En dehors de son activité clinique, d’enseignant et de conférencier, il est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages : Elever bébé (1998, Hachette Pratique) ; Vouloir un enfant et Comprendre l’adolescent ; Frères et sœurs, une maladie d’amour (Fayard) ; Aux éditions Anne Carrière : Tout ce que vous ne devriez jamais savoir sur la sexualité de votre enfant ; Détache moi ; Regards croisés sur l’adolescence ; Regards croisés sur le handicap ; La vie en désordre : voyage en adolescence ; Chacun cherche un père ; Comprendre pour éduquer ; Tiens bon ; Grands parents : à vous de jouer ! Tu réussiras mieux que moi : craintes et désirs d’école.

Jusqu'en juin 2008, il a présenté une émission sur Europe 1 le jeudi de 23 heures à minuit, puis pendant un an, en compagnie de Charline Roux, anime une émission sur France 3 dédiée à la famille Le mieux c'est d'en parler. Il rejoint France 5, où il présente Allo Rufo, en compagnie d'Églantine Éméyé, une quotidienne diffusée à 10h pendant laquelle il répond aux questions des téléspectateurs concernant les enfants, petits et grands. Depuis le 18 février 2013 il tient une chronique dans le 7/9 de France Inter.


Stephan ZipfelStephan Zipfel

Stephan Zipfel, born 1962, studied Medicine in Heidelberg, Frankfurt/Main and London. He has successfully passed his MD as well as his PhD at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. He was trained in Internal Medicine and Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the University Medical Hospital Heidelberg. From 1997-1998 he was a visiting scientist at the “Eating Disorder Unit” University of Sydney/Australia.

Since 2002 he is full professor (chair and head) of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine at the University Medical Hospital Tuebingen and since 2006 he is Dean of Medical Education at the University of Tuebingen. Since 2012 he is president of the German College of Psychosomatic Medicine (DKPM). He is the founding director of the Tuebingen Centrer of Excellence for Eating Disorders (KOMET) and the principal investigator of the world largest outpatient treatment trial in anorexia nervosa (ANTOP).

He is editor and associate editor of a number of scientific journals (e.g. BMC-Journal of Eating Disorders, European Eating Disorders Review) and member of the editorial board of The Lancet Psychiatry.

Research interests: Psychotherapy in Eating Disorders, Psychobiology in eating disorders and obesity; Mechanisms on the placebo effect; Medical education; Psychooncology.


Danuta WassermanDanuta Wasserman

Danuta Wasserman, MD, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry and Suicidology at Karolinska Institute ( KI) in Stockholm, Sweden and Head of the National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental lll-Health (NASP) at KI. She is Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research, Methods Development and Training in Suicide Prevention. NASP, which Professor Wasserman founded in 1993, is active in four main areas: research and development of new suicide-preventive methods, epidemiological surveillance, information and teaching. The Centre’s researchers collaborate in many international preventive projects.

Professor Wasserman’s research focuses on an interdisciplinary approach that elucidates psychodynamic, psychiatric, and genetic aspects of suicidal behaviour. The study of suicidal communication and responses of the closest family members and the care-givers, as well as psychological problems arising in patients and in the staff in the treatment process, are of particular interest to Professor Wasserman’s research. High priority is given to projects designed to promote new suicide-preventive measures aimed at young people. Professor Wasserman is the Principal Investigator for the Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE),Working in Europe to Stop Truancy Among Youth ( WE-Stay ) and Suicide Prevention by Internet and media Based Mental Health Promotion ( SUPREME) projects, which are school-based suicide preventive intervention studies conducted in several European countries and funded by the European Union. She is also Principal Investigator for the Genetic Study of Suicidal Behaviours (GISS), which is focusing on the interplay between genes and environment in families of suicide attempters. GISS comprises the biggest collection in the world of both parents and their suicidal offspring. Professor Wasserman has written and co-authored several hundred publications and book chapters.

She also has experience of clinical practice with depressive and suicidal patients.

Professor Wasserman was President of the International Academy of Suicide Research (IASR) during 2005-2009 and the President of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) during 2013-2014. She served as Chairman of the Department of Public Health Sciences at Karolinska Institutet. Professor Wasserman received the Stengel Research Award from the International Association for Suicide Prevention in recognition of her research on suicide prevention, as well as an award from the Swedish Medical Society. Professor Wasserman has also received awards for her outstanding work in Suicidology from the American Foundation for Suicide Research (AFSP) and prizes from the German Association for Suicide Prevention and Nordic Council of Ministers of Health. Professor Wasserman is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the United Kingdom and an Honorary Member of several other European Psychiatric Associations.


Bruno FalissardBruno Falissard

Bruno Falissard is Professor in Biostatistics at Paris-Sud University since 1999. Prof. Falissard has been certified in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in 1990, he received his PhD in Biostatistics in 1990 and his degree from the “Ecole Polytechnique” in Paris in 1985. Since 2005, Prof. Falissard is head of INSERM U669 (Public Health and Mental Health), a lab comprising of 145 members. He is also head of the master in public health of Université Paris-Sud (600 students).

Since 2014, Bruno Falissard is member of the French Academy of Medicine and the president of IACAPAP (International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions)


Amanda AmosAmanda Amos

Professor of Health Promotion, Center for Population Health Sciences, School of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences, The University of Edinburgh.


Tomas HajekTomas Hajek

Tomas Hajek received his M.D. (1999) and Ph.D. in neuroscience (2003) from Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. He trained in psychiatry and in 2003 was awarded a clinical research fellowship in mood disorders with Dr. Alda at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. In 2005, Dr. Hajek joined the Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University as an Assistant Professor and in 2009 became an Associate Professor. He works at the Mood Disorders Clinic. Dr. Hajek`s main research interest lies in investigating effects of various clinical variables, including genetic predisposition, illness burden, comorbid metabolic disorders and exposure to medications on brain structure in patients with bipolar disorders. To this goal, he has been performing magnetic resonance imaging studies in both affected and unaffected relatives of bipolar probands. In addition Dr. Hajek collaborates with the International Group for Study of Lithium Treated Patients on a multicentre project investigating neuroprotective effects of lithium. Dr. Hajek is a recipient of the Dalhousie Clinical Research Scholarship and his research has been supported by grants from Canadian Institutes of Health Research, National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (USA), Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. Dr. Hajek received fellowships or travel scholarships from the American Psychiatric Association, World Psychiatric Association, International Society for Affective disorders. He has taught continuous medical education courses for several international organizations, including Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies, Italy, Vienna School of Clinical Research, Austria, Academia Medica Pragensis, Czech Republic. He has published over 50 in extenso papers in journals including Molecular Psychiatry, American Journal of Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, Neuropsychopharmacology, Schizophrenia Bulletin and over 45 abstracts.


Louise GallagherLouise Gallagher

Louise Gallagher (MB MRCPsych PhD) is Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. She graduated from Medicine in University College Dublin in 1994 and completed psychiatry training in the Dublin University (TCD) Training Scheme in psychiatry in 2000. She was awarded a Wellcome Trust Mental Health Training Fellowship and completed her PhD in psychiatric genetics in TCD in 2004. She has a special interest in autism spectrum disorders and other complex neurodevelopmental disorders. Prof. Gallagher’s lab is focused on understanding behavioural phenotypes and comorbid mental health disorders, underlying genetic susceptibility and the neurobiology of ASD and related neurodevelopmental disorders. The overarching goal of the research is provide better outcomes for neurodevelopmental disorders through improved understanding and better treatments. She is involved in a number of collaborative international initiatives including the Autism Genome Project, Early Signs and Symptoms of Autism EU COST Network, FemNat-CD (FP7 collaborative study of Conduct Disorder in females). She and her group have published in high-impact journals such as Science, Nature, Nature Genetics and the New England Journal of Medicine. Prof. Gallagher has a clinical commitment as a psychiatrist in the HSE providing services to children and adolescents with mental health disorders comorbid to neurodisability including intellectual disability, autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.


Gavin DohertyGavin Doherty

Dr. Gavin Doherty conducts research on Human Computer Interaction in the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin, where he is an Associate Professor and Fellow. He completed his doctorate at the University of York, before undertaking postdoctorate work at CNR in Pisa and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK.

He has led a number of interdisciplinary projects in the area of technology in mental health, including work focused particularly on engaging children and adolescents. The aim has been to develop systems which can increase access to, increase engagement with, and assist in improving the outcomes of interventions. As Principal Investigator, he led a project to develop a software platform to deliver a range of engaging and effective clinician-supported mental health interventions, leading to the formation of SilverCloud Health Ltd. A range of partnerships developed by the company have enabled the delivery of supported interventions to tens of thousands of patients in a range of services worldwide.


Pedro MontellanoPedro Montellano

European Centre on Health of Societies in Transition; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; President of EUPHA, UK Academy of Medical Sciences.


Martin McKeeMartin McKee

European Centre on Health of Societies in Transition; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; President of EUPHA, UK Academy of Medical Sciences.


Jesus TresguerresJesus A. F. Tresguerres

Past President of FEAM, Fellow of Spanish Royal National Academy of Medicine, Professor of Physiology and Endocrinology, Complutense University in Madrid


Claude JaffiolClaude Jaffiol

Member of the French Academy of Medicine; Endocrinologist at Centre Médical Mutualiste, Professor of Medicine at Montpellier University.


Philippe RouxPhilippe Roux

Head of Unit, Health Determinants, DG SANCO, European Commission

Philippe Roux started his career in the French Social sector in 1985. During the same time, he studied social sciences, European law and Public Health. He worked with DG V (Employment and Social Affairs) from 1990 to 1998 in support of the development of the EU initiatives related to drug prevention. In September 1998, he joined the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction where he contributed to the development of the framework and tools for the evaluation of the EU action plans on drugs and was from 2002 deputy Head of Unit in the “Interventions, law and policy” Unit of the Agency.

He joined SANCO Health Determinants Unit in 2005 to work with the Nutrition and Physical Activity team with responsibilities in the coordination of the Diet, Physical Activity and Health European Platform. He became Deputy Head of Unit SANCO.C.4 "Health determinants" since October 2006.


Franco SassiFranco Sassi

Senior Health Economist, Health Division, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.


Philippe FroguelPhilippe Froguel

MD, PhD, Professor of Diabetology, Lille University Hospital, Director of the EGID Institute FR3508 (Labex EGID), Director of the CNRS UMR8199, Lille 2 University, Pasteur Institute of Lille (France)

Professor of Genomic Medicine, Head of Department of Genomics of Common Disease, Hammersmith hospital, Imperial College London (UK)

Philippe Froguel passed his Medical Degree in 1986 in Paris and he obtained a PhD in 1991 from Paris 7 University. He is currently Professor of Genomic Medicine and head of the department genomics of common disease at the Hammersmith hospital, Imperial College London, UK. He is also Professor of Endocrinology-Diabetology at Lille University hospital and director of a CNRS research group at Pasteur Institute, Lille, France. His scientific carrier is entirely focused on the genetics of common diseases in human, especially diabetes and obesity. He is author of 578 Pubmed indexed publications. He has developed candidate gene, positional candidate gene approaches in monogenic and polygenic T2D and obesity. He published in February 2007 the first Genome Wide Association Study in T2D), in 2008 the first GWAS analysis related to quantitative traits related to glucose control, and in 2010 the first identification of a common Genome Structure Variant causing obesity. His work lead to several breakthroughs (MODY genes glucokinase, and HNF-1a; neonatal diabetes gene ABCC8/SUR1; obesity genes leptin receptor, MC4R, FTO; glycemia/T2D genes KIR 6.2, SLC30A8/ZnT8, HHEX, G6PC2, MTNR1B; “diabesity” genes adiponectin, enpp1/PC-1…). He has recently made important contribution to obesity genetics showing the effect of rare Copy Number Variants of the DNA on the development of obesity and also on extreme leanness.


Jesus ArgenteJesús Argente

Dr. Argente received his medical degree from the Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain and his PhD in Medicine from the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain. He received top honors for both his medical training and doctorate. He performed his residency in Pediatrics at Hospital Ramón y Cajal in Madrid and Pediatric Endocrinology at Hôpital Saint Vincent de Paul in París. Upon receiving a Fulbright Fellowship he did postdoctoral training at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA and University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, where he remained as an assistant professor for an additional period. He is currently Full Professor and Director of the Department of Pediatrics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Director of the Department of Pediatrics and Endocrinology at Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús. He is also Director of the laboratory of investigation in pediatric endocrinology in this hospital, focusing on both clinical and basic investigation of obesity, growth, puberty and diabetes, as well as group leader in the national center for the study of obesity (CIBERobn). He is author of more than 250 original articles and multiple reviews and book chapters and has given conferences in over 30 different countries. He was President of ESPE in 2002 and of the Spanish Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (2004-2008).


Harry RutterHarry Rutter

Public health physician. Senior clinical research fellow, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Adjunct professor of public health, UC Cork; Honorary senior clinical lecturer, University of Oxford; Senior Strategic Adviser, Public Health England. Founder director, National Obesity Observatory 2007-2011, who led the development of the English National Child Measurement Programme and chaired NICE PDG on walking and cycling. Current research: social and environmental factors influencing obesity and PA; evidence and policy in wicked problems; intervening in complex systems.

Public health physician with expertise in obesity and its determinants, transport, environment, sustainability, climate change, complexity, systems, knowledge translation, policy


Claude DreuxClaude Dreux

Member of the French Academy of Medicine: Chair of FAM working group of Public health: Prevention of Adolescent Health.

Em. Prof. of Biochemistry – St Louis Hospital (Paris)

Honorary Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy and Vice-President, University PARIS-Descartes

Honorary President of French Academy of Pharmacie


Detlev GantenDetlev Ganten

Le Professeur Detlev Ganten, né à Lüneburg (Allemagne) en 1941, a effectué ses études de médecine dans les universités de Würzburg (Allemagne), Montpellier (France) et Tübingen (Allemagne). Après avoir reçu son diplôme, il a passé plusieurs années en tant que chercheur à l’Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal (Canada) ou il a obtenu son doctorat (Ph.D.) à l’Université McGill.

n 1975, Detlev Ganten a été nommé Professeur du Département de Pharmacologie à l’Université de Heidelberg (Allemagne).

De 1991 à 2004, Detlev Ganten a été le Directeur Fondateur et le Président du Centre Max Delbrück pour la Médecine Moléculaire (MDC) de Berlin-Buch. Il était également en même temps le Directeur du Département de Pharmacologie au Centre Médical Benjamin Franklin de l’Université Libre de Berlin.

De 2004 à 2008, le Pr. Ganten a occupé le poste de Président Directeur Général de la « Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin », hôpital universitaire regroupant les facultés de médecine de l’Université Libre et de l’Université Humboldt de Berlin.

Depuis 2005, le Pr. Ganten est le Président de la Fondation Charité. Depuis 2009, il préside le conseil de surveillance conjoint de l’institut Max Planck de recherche sur les colloïdes et interfaces, et de l’institut Max Planck de physiologie moléculaire des plantes. Il est en outre, depuis cette date, le Président fondateur du World Health Summit.

En tant que chercheur scientifique dans le domaine de l’hypertension, le Professeur Ganten a contribué à élucider les mécanismes fondamentaux de la pathophysiologie et de la biologie moléculaire de l’hypertension artérielle. Son domaine de recherche inclue la régulation hormonale de la pression artérielle, en particulier au sein du système rénine-angiotensine, et la génétique moléculaire des maladies cardiovasculaires.


Bernard CharpentierBernard Charpentier

Prof. B. Charpentier received his MD and graduated in Nephrology from Paris University School of Medicine in 1975. He is full Professor in Medicine in Paris-Sud 11 University since 1983, medical Consultant and was Head of the Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantations in the University Hospital of Bicêtre (1992-2011). He was Director of several CNRS-INSERM-University Paris-Sud 11 research units devoted to Immunology and Immunoregulation (CNRS UPR 277-420; INSERM U542-1014). He is (co)author of more than 400 pubmed-indexed publications on Nephrology and Transplantation. He was member of several Editorial Boards of immunology and transplantation journals and of immunology, nephrology, and transplantation societies. He acts as a consultant for several International, European and National Advisory Committees. He is member of the Ethical and Sanction Committee (CODEEM) (2011-2014) of the French Pharmaceutical Companies Union (LEEM).

He was Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Paris-Sud (1998-2008), President of the French Medical Deans’ Council (2003-2008), President of the French Transplant Society (1997-2000), President of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (2005-2007), Co-Chairman of the XVth ESOT Congress (Paris-2009). He was elected as full member of the French Academy of Medicine (2010), Council Member of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM-2012) and now FEAM Vice-President (2014). He is Officier de la Légion d’Honneur, Officier de l’Ordre du Mérite, Chevalier des Palmes Académiques, Médaille d’Honneur du Service de Santé des Armées.

His field of interest are mainly focused in transplantation medicine, basic immunology, immunoregulation and immunosuppressive drugs.
